Chinese Storytelling Research Database 









Performances by

Wu Jinshun, Dai Junru e.a.   吳今舜﹐ 戴俊茹 等

Wu Dalang zhui qi - 武大郎追妻
Wu the Elder pursues his wife
Audio cassette (China Record Co.﹐ Shanghai)
Yangzhou (?) : 06-1991
Performance of Yangzhou opera, Yangju. Commercial cassette 1992, with text inserted into the cover, adapted by Wei Ren, musical accompaniment by Yangzhou opera orchestra, Yangjutuan yuedui. The text found in Wei Ren: Yangzhou xi kao, 1999, is longer and more developed than that on the cover of the cassette, but basically the words of the cassette represent a selection from the version in Wei Ren 1999.

Wu Dalang zhui qi - 武松大郎追妻
Wu the Elder pursues his wife
VCD (Yangzijiang yinxiang youxian gongsi)
Yangzhou : 1991
Commercial VCD 2003. The sound is taken from the commercial cassette with the same play (item 62). The actors who perform (only the visual aspect) on the VCD are: Zhao Zijun, Li Lu and Zhang Zhuonan.